<?php require_once('Connections/saha.php'); ?>
<?php require_once('inc-main.php'); ?>
<?php require_once('inc.search.php'); ?>
Easy Web Search is engine to use inside a web site. Simple Crawling System is available to submit URLs and Links from submitted URL will be automatically added to search database when admin run crawling. Once crawling is done the links with their contents (Plain text from web link) will be available to search. If the total web site is linked to it's home page, you need jut give home page url to the sytem and run crawling once. You do not need to much work to implement a search system inside your web site.
Finalizing the work.
First Create a database in your server and import sql.sql file (at the root folder) to your database. Please truncate settings and crawl talbes. Anyway do not delete administrator user from admin table. .
Now change the database connection file at "Connections/saha.php" as follows
$hostname_saha = "yourhost";
$database_saha = "yourdbname";
$username_saha = "yourdbusername";
$password_saha = "yourdbpassword";
Please note that user password can change from the script and you need to change passwords using admin area. .